In the 2021 Kansas legislative session, Kansas State University, the University of Kansas, University of Kansas Medical Center, and higher education in Kansas face unprecedented headwinds in the Kansas Statehouse to obtain adequate funding and support from the state’s elected officials. These challenges threaten to affect KU’s and KSU’s student life and educational experiences and faculty and staff activities. The PAC’s legislative priorities for the 2021 legislative session seek to address these challenges:

  • The state should maintain stable funding for Kansas State University, the University of Kansas, University of Kansas Medical Center, and higher education in general.  There is no question that the state faces many challenges; that is all the more reason to maintain stable support for the institutions that give us the best chance to meet those challenges.
  • The state should continue the Engineering Initiative Act.  This legislation provided crucial funding for a number of years for engineering programs at the University of Kansas, Kansas State University, and Wichita State University.  The universities succeeded in graduating more engineering students.  It is critically important that the legislature pass legislation that extends this very important program.

These – and other legislative priorities – are vital to the future of Kansas.  

Thus, Kansans for Higher Education PAC’s advocacy in the Kansas Statehouse for KSU, KU, KUMC, and higher education is crucial. And the PAC is well-positioned to play an important part in that advocacy. But the PAC will need your continued support and commitment to KSU, KU, KUMC, and higher education to maximize the PAC’s effectiveness. 

Please consider supporting these crucial efforts donating to the PAC using the “Donate” tab above or getting more involved by sending us a message on the “Contact Us” tab above. Thank you for your continued support and commitment.